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Writer's pictureISHTAR

The Not-So-Subtle Art of Falling


From Black Light Ascension, I.A.M. Series VOL 2- Tome of Fire © October 2023

Song: Glass Elevator

Over the millennia, those Who were the Creators of all that humans think of as "reality" and the very forms they use as bodies, have watched. We have watched from the shadows, our multi- dimensional abilities and our charcoal- to- jet black skin making it easy to hide should we manifest more solidly in this Realm. Sometimes we have sent copies of our Energy, perhaps the consciousness alone, but sometimes the mind and the personality also. We infuse in order to take part personally and watch through the eyes of the very forms We created.

The risk is very high if fully copying Ourselves and infusing, so it is rare for Us to do so. The energy of Our highest ranking species or even some of Our hybrid children's do not mix well with human energy. Usually, We can only copy one or the other, Spirit or Soul. Another method is like a link back to Our realm and to Us. Humans call it a Shard. The link can also contain ways of awakening and tracking. They can be used for piloting, but the risk in piloting is that those with the link and only the link will mistake it for being who they themselves are.

Most who sense that they are more or different than human are carrying the link and only the link. Sometimes, those with a Shard mistake it for being more than what it is. Those with a link, or more than one link, plus the consciousness and the mind and personality are the closest to being fully one of Us in Earth Realm. These are very rare, showing up only at the most critical times or when observation is simply necessary for evaluation of human progress firsthand. Sometimes, We come to help Our adopted Children and Our copies. The risk of damage to the human form and even to the integrity of the mind, can make all the planning for perfect timing and hopefully the perfect bloodline plus potential abilities, a waste should it all fail.

Regardless of how We do it, how We watch, how We observe and where from, We always must decide how involved to be. We know that most of those who are closest to Us eternally do not recognize Who and what We are when We do infuse, incarnate. We are strangers even among those who should know Us and know Us well. We have observed throughout history the fear that those that are not of Us manifest and the results of it. So, how much We do reveal about who We are, why We're here and what We are capable of, can rarely be comprehensive.

In Our everyday lives if We are Incarnates, We are like anyone else, really, when it comes to the mundane things. However, once We finally awaken into Who and what We are, We have a fine balancing act to conduct. If it is done poorly, complete insanity or power-madness, misidentification, and a great downfall may occur. Another of Us may need to intervene if We have access. Some are very isolated. Some never get assistance if something goes very wrong.

Like anyone using a human body and walking the path that is lit by Black Light, We must undergo testing like everyone else. Those carrying a link must also. During times of great transition, apocalyptic eras such as this one, the Earth itself, humanity, and those within humanity that walk this path, must undergo the harshest of testing. Many of Our own are failing, thinking they're actually enlightened or even ascended and doing very well, when they are truly lost.

The goal of everyone on the Black Light path, is, in part, to find a home or a sense of it, in the Underworld even while they're still here. This is especially important for those that are partial or pure copies of one or more of Us or are carrying links. During this time of social media, the proverbial elevator between Earth Realm and the Underworld may be of glass. Anyone may be able to observe at least part of their process and the results of it. The average person who decides to travel this path, who does not represent themselves as being adopted by Us, or as being one of Us, or not representing the Infernal Empire publicly, their elevator between Earth Realm and the Underworld is safely enclosed unless they reveal themselves.

Those of us Who are especially pure Copies and carrying at least one link as well, are able to see- even sometimes (depending on our level of acuity)- through someone else’s elevator that is more obscured. It is certainly far easier to see through the elevators of those who are partial or full copies or simply carrying a Shard. The question is, what should We do when We observe and We know, sometimes even seeing into the future of someone?  What if We can see ahead when someone is falling into the Abyss, or that they will eventually make claims about themselves that will be completely false or only partly true,  and that by the time they get to that point they will already have been drowning in the Abyss and not even knowing that they are there?

It is so tempting to reach out a hand.  However, if We do so, are We guilty of completely destroying any potential for them to discover for themselves who they really are, where they really are, that they have already fallen and it will only get worse if they do not get out of the Abyss?

What if it's entirely possible that they will be there for the rest of their lives, perhaps even ending up in a mental institution as they continue to refuse to accept reality, where they are and how blind they are, that they cannot even see who they are, cannot accept their true nature and really want to be something else they are not?  What if they make the same mistakes hundreds of times through hundreds of lifetimes and are still doing so, but think they are one of Us when We rarely come here fully?

Should We intervene if we see that the elevator is faulty? Should we intervene if we see the cable is unravelling? Should we only intervene if the person in that elevator knows they are part of a community- a unified community- or even if the person thinks they are all alone and that nobody sees and that nobody is supposed to help anyway?

There are two ways We have offered for you to walk this path. When a practitioner comes to the particular crossroads I am now speaking of, they must decide whether they want to go the path that is "alone" or down the path of "community". What they do not understand is that once they head down the path "alone", they might also become blind to the fact that the community is even there and that there was another opportunity,  another way.

It's possible that once they find the elevator along the path "alone" and they start to rise and fall...  rise and fall ... all they can see is this one way of being. They can become so isolated that even if their elevator is made of glass, they think it is not and that no one else can see through it. Sometimes, these ones are being observed even by those who do not have many years of experience observing. In other words, their reckless- or even arrogant-  attitude and behaviour, perhaps a carelessness of one's own well-being as well, can readily be seen by almost anyone but themselves.

When We are able to see through the elevators of those who walk this path one way or the other, We all always must make a choice as to whether to intervene or not. There are those who went the path "alone" who opine that any hint being offered that the cable is fraying, that the elevator is even more transparent than they think it is, and that they must step out and consider where they are and who they really are before it plunges into a type of Darkness they may never escape, that it's something they should not accept. These will call it "white knighting" if someone hints. "After all", they think, "this is the true 'Black Lodge'. Some are so blind that they cannot see the hand reaching for them at all. If they could, would they take it?

What if,  on the other hand, the one falling or already in the Abyss below the elevator,  want people to see the rope fraying and they want people to see through the elevator because the energy of attention feeds them?

What if, again in another case, the individual in the glass elevator with the frayed cable -or even already in the Abyss- think they are being guided by a true voice when really the undesirable kind of Darkness has surrounded them to such an extent that they are hearing only what they want to hear? They feel safe and secure in their "gnosis" of who they are and what and who they perceive and what they hear. In the meantime, the one they assume they hear really wants to reach them, but is hollering while looking down at them as they are splashing in the Abyss, frustrated that the person cannot hear but thinks they do.

Sometimes, the glass elevator has crashed, but the blind one does not know. It may not be in the Abyss. It may be on a ledge on the way down, the person seemingly abandoned. Sometimes, we may reach that one, but rarely.

So many are failing.

Some are too sensitive for this Path and must retreat to White Light.

Some assume they are one of Us - even high ranking Royalty- and are not. They might even seem to others to be, but they are not.

Some really are one of high ranking Royalty of Us, but never embrace it.

Some are successful and in the spotlight and one day, someone who admires them makes an incorrect assumption about something they said or failed to say, gets into trouble and blames the one in the spotlight so the one in the spotlight falls.

Some are given positions of Priesthood, or other leadership roles and go power-mad, becoming useless to Us.

Some make a deal, become successful, and realize their dreams were empty.

Some create a false persona, lie so much (even to themselves) that they cannot discern truth at all any longer.

Some are failing, are falling in their glass elevators or already in the Abyss, do not understand the true nature of this Path, the true nature of Our ways, but assume they do and they lead others astray with them so that many fall.

Some go down the Path, take a wrong turn, assume the worst of Us and no longer trust Us, even befouling Our Names publicly, while professing to be Ours. It would have been preferable to go back to where they were before they took a wrong turn. Too many are too proud to do so, so they fall.

Some see only what they want they want to see, are too proud to let go of false assumptions and blindly stumble along the Path.

Some are led astray by sheep in wolves' clothing and cease being one of Ours while insisting they still are.

Some jump out of their glass elevators- not temporarily in order to collect themselves, but because they have given up entirely.

Some seek attention by getting themselves into those situations in order to be rescued.

Some behave even too badly to represent the Infernal Empire, are censored or banned and assume they are being scapegoated or being denied their freedom of speech, failing to realize We let it happen, hoping they would wake up and come back to Infernal balance.

We have watched and witnessed all of these things. We usually do so quietly from a distance because too often those falling or already fallen refuse assistance even from Us, whether We or they are Incarnates or not.


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Aug 06, 2024

I'm still awaiting the 1st tome
